
Recycling of stadium seats

The memories stay, the raw material too!

Due to a colour change, to better match the colours of a football club, which shall not be further described, MKV had the opportunity to recycle the seats of a renown regional stadium.

A rare case of post-consumer recycling (PCR) for MKV, instead of the usual post-industrial recycling (PIR) of engineering plastics that are sorted by type.

In a weekly rhythm the seats, made from PP or PA, were delivered in containers and then turned into ground material or granulate.

The seats caused a sense of nostalgia on the MKV premises, as more than a few employees had attended events at that stadium in the past.

Witnessing and living through emotions, being sat on, stood on, danced on, jumped on and off, maybe even tried to rip out of its anchoring, sprayed and smeared with all sorts of food and drink, the seats have seen it all: True Post-Consumer!

MKV has been recycling and reprocessing plastics for over 60 years, and thus not only the memories but also the raw material stay.

A great feeling to give those seats a second life.

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