Visit us

at the KPA in Ulm

February 25th – 26th, 2025
Stand 1-E12



SAVE GREEN® by MKV is our service comprising a systematic and joint analysis of your product portfolio and plastic waste management. Together, we identify

  • opportunities to reduce CO2 using recyclate
  • possibilities to increase your resource efficiency with smart wase management concepts
  • how to keep materials in the loop.

Material- and production costs can be reduced this way.

Save Green by MKV Logo

Sustainability concerns us all: Make your products sustainable!

CO2 and sustainability

Sustainability is getting ever more important. Everyone wants to act sustainable and save greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Did you know that by using recyclate you can save up to 6kg of GHG per kilogram of material used in comparison with virgin material? Thus, 1,000kg of recycled material equal 6,000kg of CO2 savings. The use of recyclates also has a direct effect on company goals: CO2 savings, contribution to the climate goals, and increased earnings.

Although the carbon footprint is important, brands want to keep their promise when it comes to quality and use only the best materials. Unfortunately, the term recyclate is often wrongly associated with diminished quality. The  recyclates from MKV are very close to virgin material in their mechanical properties. Clips, nuts, plugs, covers, switches, housing parts – for a lot of applications virgin material is not necessary. Our ZIA compounds, made out of 100% recyclates, offer a real alternative.

Become part of the circular economy and let us show you how your plastic waste streams can be recycled. No matter the industry, in numerous applications virgin material can be substituted with recyclates. We are happy to start this journey with you. Profitably sustainable – for you and your customers!

See here for exemplary CO2 savings, according to the SKZ, for two of our main products in comparison to virgin material. The results speak for themselves: CO2 balance PA 6.6 GF30% and CO2 balance PA 6 GF30%.

You are an injection moulder or an OEM and want to know more?
Arrange an appointment here for a free consultation!