
PIAE 2024

MKV among the speakers in Mannheim

What does the new EU ELV-Regulation mean for a SME recycling engineering plastics?

Talk by MKV at the PIAE congress 2024

Organized by the VDI the PIAE congress in Mannheim has been one of the most prestigious events regarding plastic applications in automotive manufacturing for over 40 years. This year MKV’s managing director Kai Zies is one of the 47 speakers selected by the committee.

Sustainability and the use of recyclates are prominent topics in the automotive industry. Mr. Zies will address these in the light of the recently published draft of the EU regulation on the treatment of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs).

The talk has the title: “The post-consumer dilemma – the ELV-regulation form the perspective of a SME recycling engineering and high-performance plastics.”

The new ELV regulation stipulates that in the future 25% of the plastic used to build a new vehicle must be recycled plastic (post-consumer). Of these 25% recyclates 25% have to come from ELVs (closed loop; 6,25% of the total plastic related to the vehicle). Post industrial plastic waste are not considered in the calculation of the recycling content per vehicle.

How these and other aspects of the ELV-regulation are judged by MKV will be complemented by information about mechanical recycling and insights into the recycling activities of MKV.

This year’s programme for the congress can be viewed here.

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