
TecPart Annual Meeting 2023

Industry get together in Meschede


This year’s annual meeting of TecPart Verband Technische Kunststoff-Produkte e.V. took place on 14th and 15th September at the Welcome Hotel at lake Hennesee in Meschede.

As a long-standing member MKV was, of course, in attendance. Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Zies is also a member of the board.

This year’s dominating topics were the overall economic conditions for the plastics industry, CSRD, circular economy, CO2 footprint, sustainability, and the proposal for the new end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) directive of the EU commission. In regard to the latter the proposed quotas for the use of recycling materials were a much debated topic, and that the industry needs a clear and united communication towards the political leadership. Thus it was great that both kunststofflandNRW and PlasticsEurope were in attendance.

The discussions and networking were ongoing in between the presentations and during the evening event.

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